Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The possibility of six hours!

I have to head to the east coast tomorrow for a meeting on Thursday. I will be there for less than 24 hours.

Yet there is a silver lining...I may actually get to sleep for a few hours straight without a cat causing havoc 2-3 times a night. The bags under my eyes are big enough to carry my clothes without paying the extra $15 per bag!


Nilsa S. said...

Pesky pets should know not to bother the people who feed them. Yet, they do. All of them. At one point or another. You'd think we'd stop feeding them. But, then that would be inhumane.

Superstar said...

hold on to your check book...b/c they are now charging for pillows and blankets too!

have a safe flight and all!!

Jessica said...

I feel your pain. Seth finally sleeps through the night, but I spent 11 months getting only a couple hours of sleep at a time.

Teriana said...

My hamster is a night person. He wakes up at around 9 pm and spends the next several hours trying to escape from his cage. Every. Single. Night. He's not gettin' out. Doesn't he know that?

Christina said...

N~no kidding! After all I feed them and pick up the poop!

SS~Seriously right, are they going to ask for our first born children as colleteral

J~I am all set for having kids do they respond to a water bottle squirt or a thrown sock? Just kidding...

T~Mine did the same thing, we used to put him in his globe and let him run for a few hours before we went to bed.

Anonymous said...

Today is Saturday...

You make it back alright?