Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So here is the last round of who is in our bridal party, we are profiling our siblings

Bridesmaid SM
SM is the BFs older sister, they are separated by 11 years. She is a very ambitious woman with a high profile job in a well known company. She has travelled all over the world and has even been in an elevator with U2. In addition to her work, she is a mom to three girls. She provides them the balance and shows them how far women can really go. While she and her brother are not too close but they share a similar sense of humor. We see them every few months and she has made me feel welcome

Groomsman MJ
My younger brother, well really my only brother. We used to be close as kids but as we grew up, we grew apart. It was further strained a few years ago but we are on the road to repair. He is really busy balancing a stressful job and grad school. It is never an easy task but he is determined to get it done. I am proud of his accomplishments because no matter what happens or what had happened, he is still my brother.

I will be posting for the next day or two....I have a few things that I want to say.

1 comment:

Non Sequitur Chica said...

It sounds like you guys did a great job picking your wedding party! I can't believe you only have three days left. I can't wait to hear all about the wedding-I'll be crossing my fingers that everything goes well!!