I am coming to realize that I am entering a strange part of my life at this point in time. While friends are getting married, having babies they are also dealing with sick parents and ultimately death. The media has coined the phrase "the bookend" generation, to describe those who are taking care of their kids and their parents.
Late last week, my sister in law lost her father, it was both unexpected and tragic. He was a very nice guy and he loved his family and his new grandbabies. This loss has shaken both Hubs and I because it made us realize that we will be in that same boat one day. Hubs lost his mother a number of years before we met and had some experience empathizing in a different way than I. Yet, the two of us realize that as we are getting old so are our parents. Since I only see my mom and dad a few times a year, I am often struck about how much older they look each time that I see them. My father in law also is getting older and has started to mention that his eye sight i getting weaker. It is not easy to see, in fact, I try to deny that it i happening even though I know it can't be denied.
I have a number of friends who have lost one or both their parents. It amazes me how they were able to deal with that because it can't be an easy thing. I know that my dearest friend still has issues about that and it comes bubbling up at different points where it leaves her in tears.
Basically, I am thinking (or maybe preparing) myself for the eventual day where decisions have to be made, decisions that I don't want to be made (thankfully they are decisions that all our parents have made via their wills).
I guess it is making me feel more grown up than I want to be.