Wednesday, March 27, 2013


After we found out that we were expecting, the first serious thought is where were we going to put them?  We have a two bedroom condo and i adore our place.  But realistically sometimes the walls feel like they are closing in with too much stuff.

So T and I decided that we were going to de-clutter.  Especially the second bedroom formerly the den ( but really the man cave).  So over the past few weeks he has gone through a lot of things and we ended up dropping three boxes to the salvation army, a box of books to sell and box for storage.  And we are not done, we still have to get rid of the sofa, the bookshelves and other odds and ends.  I have been helping in my small way going through books, wrapping glassware and planning the nursery!

My parents will be here in a couple weeks and my dad will be helping T paint.  We also plan to buy the cribs to get those set up in a couple weeks as well.  T and I are on the same page....dove grey walls with a particular accent color.

So, what color will the accents be?  Yep, we know the genders....any guesses?

Here is a clue, they are both the same gender...



Angela said...


Non Sequitur Chica said...

I'm going with boys just to answer differently from Angela! :-)