Sunday, June 24, 2007

Chicago repair they exist?

Can you believe that it is Sunday night, damn where did the weekend go. I mean, it felt like moments ago it was Friday night and then WHAM it is Sunday evening.

Well the drama of this past week is that our freaking fridge is acting up. The freezer is fine but the fridge part is at least 60 degrees. We spent the day yesterday waiting for the fridge guy to show up but that did not happen at least officially...

See I was tired and all i wanted to do was sleep at we were woken up at 8 am by a phone call. The BF gets up at 8 by nature so he was up and ready to get the day started. Me not so much. So he went to run a few errands. I feel back asleep. At around 10 I hear in this thick Chicago accent "Its the management company, we're here to look at the fridge". Woke the shit out of me...then I hear "Ohhh yea, I can fix this, Toby put da tools down over there" I was frantically trying to find a sweatshirt and brushing my hair with my fingers saying "I'll be right out". I open the door and there was the BF hysterically pointing at me. He was running out of breath!

Apparently that was to get me back for the allege head butting incident. According to his story, I was nudging his back with my head while sleeping. He apparently did not appreciate this gesture and kind of woke me up to stop. I do not recall doing such a thing...

But we are even...for now....the fridge is still broken!


Superstar said...

*sigh* NOw that is just MEAN!!!!

~shakes head~

Jessica said...

Someone needs another head butt in retaliation.

Erin said...

Hah, sorry...I laughed when I read this. It was clever! (Although perhaps maybe a little mean.)

The Chicago Blogger said...

So mean!

I agree with Jessica! :)