Sunday, June 03, 2007

i need a weekend from my weekend

I can be lazy..I know it but sometimes you just have to be right?

Yesterday, we ran errands went to the BF's dad's house to pick up a package then we went to the mall because I need work appropriate clothes. I was disappointed with the selection and the price of some pants that I only got one pair of pants and a dress but that is not for work. I spent the most at Sephora.

Then last night the BF and I celebrated our anniversary together with dinner at Bistro Campange.
It was so exquisite. We ate like we were royalty. I can't gush enough about not only the food but the service. They had to roll us out of there.

Today was my lazy day. I wanted to sleep in but the realization that I needed to do some online banking woke me up. Then I watched a full marathon of who's wedding is my jammies. Then did some hw in between and now and finishing up some chores

There never is enough time is there?


Superstar said...

Time/Money...Funny how they go hand in hand??? LOL ;o)

Money makes my tummy hurt...Especially now that I don't have any.

Jessica said...

I had a comfortable life before Baby. Now I wish sleep wasn't necessary. I'm just wasting six hours a night! Imagine what I could do with six more hours in a day.

Christina said...

SS~yep if only you can buy time with money...still would not be enough

j~I know if it wasn't for sleep my laundry would be done, kitchen spotless and there would be a roast for breakfast!