Monday, August 31, 2009


To tired and lazy to compose some cohesive thoughts so...

  • We have gotten our photos back and they are amazing, just waiting for the disk so I can upload a few
  • Was a huge homebody this weekend, I left the house once on Saturday.
  • We found a lost cat in our complex yesterday afternoon, thankfully it turned out to be our neighbors
  • Did massive amounts of laundry
  • We are halfway done with out thank you notes.
  • I heart my new crock pot, love it.
  • My house is looking better then a few days ago
  • I have to cancel my dentist appointment this week, no change in the coffers right now
  • We have to get our marriage licence, I got to start the name changing process
  • Thinks fall came in July
  • I can't beleive my birthday is coming up, where did a year go.
  • Plans to finally post some items on Craigslist to sell
  • I could not get out of bed this morning because the cat was all cuddly


Jessica said...

It was harder to change my name with the bank than it was to change it with the fricking Social Security Administration. Nice going, bank.

I was wondering if you were planning to change your name. I kept mine for ten years; didn't change it until we had kids. I kinda wish I was strong enough to stand up to the pressure to change it. Hubby was supportive. I'm just wimpy.

Christina said...

I was going to hyphenate it but since my last name was a boy's name I could forsee identity issues.

I am taking my time with it. I have to take a day off of work to fo to the Social Security office, the DMV and then all the bank, student loans stuff. I am holding off on my passport though because I just renewed it a few months ago.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

We never got our crock pot off our registry, but think we're going to buy it for ourselves this year (we really want one and only hear amazing things about them!).

Also, my bank is stupid with the name change. They got it on some accounts, but not others. The most important thing is to add a second signature, so they'll accept deposits and checks and the like that have either name on it. I hear changing your name with the airlines is by far the absolute worst ... and that was before 9/11. Sigh.

SSA was EASY as cake for me. Also, I think I ordered my marriage licenses online - also, really easy! Good luck!

Christina said...

We love the crock pot, I can't wait for the cooler weathre because I want to make stock in it and short ribs braised in red wine,

Thanks for the info that we can order it on line it may save me a trip to the county office this week.