Saturday, April 26, 2008

Leaning tower?

So now that we have moved, I have to take a different route to work. So the other day, I was in my car heading to the daily grind and in the distance I see it....the Leaning Tower of Pisa? I thought that I was delusional.

On my way home, I saw it again. It is a half size replica of the original that is located in Niles, IL. Apparently it is a water tower for the local Y and is a tourist attraction,

Check it out if you are ever in Niles, if you like roadside oddities


The Chicago Blogger said...

Whoo hoo! The Leaning Tower Y! I just passed it by last night!

And that Target right up the street from it is one of the less crowded ones in the area. :)

Amber said...

Congratulations on the closing of your very first home that is now all yours! I am soooooo incredibly happy and excited for you! You have worked so hard to get to where you're at now and you totally deserve the best.

I have a feeling this is only the beginning of some very good things! :)