Monday, October 30, 2006

Turducken feast '06

It was a fast but nice weekend. We had a combo do nothing and do something over the course of the weekend. Friday we did our typical eat-candy-and-watch-a-movie-in-bed thingy. I actully stayed awake for the "Return of the Sith". The BF was very patient with me because I asked a few questions. I am not that familiar with Star Wars (I've only seen Star Wars) so I had to ask my questions. But one thing is for sure...Yoda kicks serious ass. The BF said that I can get a purple light saber isn't he awesome?

Saturday we headed to his brother's apartment for the annual Turduken feast. It was a lot of fun, most of the bf's family was there and a few of his brother's friends. I had never had turducken before and it was very good. His brother did a great job.

Yesterday we were a bit screwed up due to the time change so we were in a bit of a daze more or less. We had brunch with the Tom Kitten's then I studied for my midterm and he did his weekly grocery trip. Then we just vegged out but the dog was in rare form and was very restless. So we did not sleep very well.

Another Monday and I want to be back in bed. Oh well....

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