Friday, September 01, 2006


I think that I have an ear infection! Yesterday I woke up with a bad case of vertigo and had problems getting out of bed. I went to get juice with Yukon the tub dog (I adore her) and when I got to the kitchen I was so hot and sweaty. I went back to lie down and GP was worried. So after about 15 minutes and it did not get better he said that I am not to go to work and to call in sick, I was in no condition to get behind the wheel so after some reluctance on my part I called in. He was right but I have this sense of obligation when it comes to work, I may not like my job but I am obligated by it. He also took the day off to keep an eye on me.

So yesterday the three of us were so lazy and I did not get out of my jammies all day. I felt bad because I hate being a drain on anyone and actually started to get a bit sobby about it.

So today when I got up, I was a wee bit dizzy but not as bad as yesterday and then my ear began to hurt so I suspect it is an ear infection that is causing my vertigo. Thankfully, my dr. can see me at 3 and I don't have to spent hours at urgent care!

Ohhh and I found my book. Yeah!

I have the best boyfriend in the world.

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