Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I don't want to die

All over they had that quote for a passenger who was on the flight 93. Those words brought up a lot of thought and memories. I was in NYC that day and there are some things that no matter what happens, I will never forget. I will never forget standing on 34th and 5th watching tower one implode, I will not forget the smell that was in the air for months afterwards, I will not forget the missing signs all over the city, I will not forget the many stories that came out that day nor will I forget the compassion that NY'ers showed that day.

I know that I won't be in line to see the new movie about that flight. I do not need to see the horror and agony on that flight because we all know what happened. Those people on that flight were heroes who protected live, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are etched in our minds and hearts. I just can't submit myself to see a movie where there is no hope.

I guess that the memories of that day is etched in my being and will always be. NYC is my city, the trade center was in my backyard, it was where my father worked, it was near where I had my first interview after college, it was steel and glass but it had a life. I just want to respect that life and those who died that day.

In other developments, we are friends...things will be okay...they have to be one way or another.

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