Friday, April 21, 2006


I find that when I do something new I get immersed in, Chicago, London, work, friends, loves... everything. Maybe that is a good thing but sometimes it is not a good thing. I find that immersion makes me optimistic and I find myself just focused on the good but at the same time when things go the opposite way, the immersion falls the other way and I get immersed in the disappointment and sadness.

But it ok to feel emotions. I used to feel bad about feeling bad but then I realized that emotions are here for a reason. So it is okay to feel sad, upset, pissed, happy, silly, joyful, melancholy etc. Emotions are not contained in words but rather expressions and we each have that right to express. Sadness allows us to feel the pending happiness and vice versa. They each give us hope and keep us grounded.

So maybe immersion is a good thing but we have to be careful not to wallow. I have a dear know who you are...who told me a few years ago during a very bad breakup that she loved me but she was not going to contribute to helping me feel bad about myself. She said that yep, it is hard and it hurts but it will not break who you are and that there is more out there and by wallowing, I am not allowing myself to feel the good. I love her for that advice and it comes back to me after some other breaks...thanks Miss J for still keeping it real for are a rock star!

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