Monday, November 20, 2006

Is it Monday already?

Gosh, where did the weekend go? I feel that Monday came way too soon!

This past weekend, the BF had a nasty cold. So it pretty much wiped him out, he did not sleep very well. Friday we attempted to have dinner at Hamburger Mary but it was packed so we had a drink (I had the Jazz cosmo and it was like an alcholic raspberry good) and headed to Charlie's ale house for a very yummy meal but GP was so tired. We got back to his apartment and he went straight to sleep and I stayed up a bit to study for my final.

On Saturday we went to have breakfast with GP's friend Droopy and then ran errands. We went to Paulina's meat market, cupcake, whole foods and then CVS. We then got home and vegged out catching up on TV. We had a yummy dinner then fell asleep.

Yesterday we were so lazy. GP slept and took a nap and I studyed, and cleaned a little. It was good to be lazy though. I am ready for my exam, I just need to reveiw today and a little tomorrow and then just go and get it out of the way.

It is Thanksgiving on Thursday so it will be nice to have a break this week! Next week...vacation!

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