Thursday, December 07, 2006

*cough, cough*

I think that the cold I have been trying hard to prevent has made its presence known. I woke up this morning with a cough and my chest feels phemly (if that is a word). I was using Zicam for the past few weeks and it held it off and then I stopped the Zicam and here it is. I am not a good sick person when I have a cold because I get cranky and I just tend to stay inside and nurse my cold. At least I am not PMSing on top of that otherwise my the Lord have mercy on your soul.

I have to get some gift shopping done this weekend. I have my list and just have to get some things done. I have so far gifts for my brother's fiance, part of the one for my mom and that is it. I know what I want to get some people. My brother and dad are difficult but I have been mulling a few ideas. Yesterday I created my Sephora wish list and sent it to my mom and the BF. He thought that it was "subtle". Well if I bought all the things that I wanted from Sephora then I would be living in a box...but at least I will look good!

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