Monday, July 31, 2006

Hotter than HELL

It is the middle of a very hot, humid, sticky and icky heat wave in Chicagoland. It is suppose to be like this until tomorrow evening! It has been like this all weekend, Saturday and Sunday it felt like we are inches from the sun.

My GP had a very stressful week last week so we had a low key weekend. Friday we went out to eat and shared this amazing banana foster brownie. It was heaven in a desert, just thinking about it makes my mouth water it was so good! Yum. On Saturday we went out for breakfast at the place where we had our first date. It was so good to be back there because t brought back some memories for me. I remember being so nervous and worried based in my former track record of one-date wonders! He and I then headed to William Sonoma because he wanted to pick up a few things. I have not really been in that store but it is like posh kitchen porn. They had so many cool gagets and things for cooking. If I had the funds to spend there I would go nuts. After that adventure we went to Whole foods and Trader Joes. Both again are grocery porn. We (ok) he made this wonderful grilled ribs, fruit and I made the rosotta.

Sunday we had breakfast and I headed home to study. I have my econ mid-term tonight. I must admit, I am getting it. I had to really strip it out and now I am seeing the grand picture. But of course I say that now! We'll see what tune I am humming tomorrow!

Work is busy since I am the only team member in Chicago. CLA is on vacation and that means QUIET. I love it!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What is my subconscious thinking?

I had such an odd dream last night or rather dreams. I can not remember all of the details but I remember walking in a courtyard garden surrounding by bricks and ivy and I was walking on stepping stones. It was dusk and there was a statue of Jesus and in front of the Jesus was a young priest kneeling and muttering his confession and as I passed him he was saying "Father forgive me for I have sinned" but, I felt like I was intruding so I softly walked away. That is all that I remember from that dream.

The next dream was weird, I was driving over this weird bridge and it was common knowledge that many cars are blown, pushed or moved off this bridge. Well I was driving this bridge and was checking my VM on my cell and then I gently moved the steering wheel to the left and as a result my car fell into the water. It was very murky and I was able to swim into this ladder with a lifeguard tube next to it. So I got out of the water and walked into this building in a wet pink tee shirt and wet hair and panties! I was po'ed b/c I lost my purse with keys, cell and wallet.

Then I woke up....very odd indeed!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Duct tape and bailing wire

I am doing well recovering from the procedure of last week (wow it has been a week already!) but my cold has come back. It has started again in my throat and has stayed there! I have been drinking a lot of fluids and taken my advil and it is getting a small bit better. I suspect that my surgery weakened my system a bit so, it allowed my cold to come back. Grrr... I think that I need duct tape and bailing wire to patch my parts together!

Other than that, things have mellowed out. The latest concern of mine is my current class. I really want to do well on the mid-term and I am trying to put all of the info together. I have my last class before the test tonight and there will be another chapter to read as my prof is teaching before the midterm. So I am planning my study schedule. Tomorrow I will read the chapter in question and tomorrow evening I will organize my notes and start to study. I guess that is part of the Virgo perfectionist in me, I want to do well.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Not all there

I was doing ok after the procedure, no pains except a problem sleeping for long periods of time. Then on Saturday my mom and I had this huge fight and it caused me to get sick. It was nasty and she said some very mean things to me. Yesterday she left and I spent some much deserved and needed time with the bf.

But, I did not sleep well last night. The after effects of the procedure started and I was in a bit of discomfort and pain. So no matter what side I tried to sleep on it did not work. I finally fell asleep a few minutes before the alarm went off. So, I took today off and just rested. I have to head to class tonight.

I am just trying not to stress the body out. I have to go to work tomorrow (HAVE being the key word) so I will take the rest of the day easy.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

on the road to recovery

I am home recovering from yesterday's procedure. It went well yesterday, the nurses and doctors were very kind and helpful throughout the entire procedure. I was knocked out for the procedure and I was in the recovery for an hour. I got to head home at around 1 ish.

My mom and my boyfriend were there for the entire thing. I was able to see them before my surgery. I could not have done it without them. On Sunday, GP was there for me. I was scared and he was able to comfort me and said some sweet things. So he told me yesterday no more negative thoughts only good things. He is such a wonderful person, I am so happy to have him.

Today I am a bit tired and the after effects have begun a bit. So I will stay in and just rest and relax. Things are going to be good.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I am just feeling very overwhelmed today as I was last night. I just have a few things to do and no time to get it all done before the procedure tomorrow. It has been extremely hot here and trying to get my apt cleaned (mom approved clean!) is a slow progress. I went to bed late trying to get things done. Class let out on time so I did not get home, JT pulled his "no show" act which pissed me off and my apt was so hot and gross. My dining room is still looking like a disaster from last week because I used it to study and I have tons of shoes and clothes everywhere! I was on the verge of tears last night because of everything I wanted to do and on top of it I was tired.

Tonight looks like it will be similar. I have to pick up my mom, eat, go to the grocery store, eat and get ready for tomorrow. JT is "suppose" to stop by to drop of the dvds but I am not counting on that. My GP is going to stop by to pick up the car. I guess in a way it is a good thing keeping me too busy to start to get worried about tomorrow. But in the back of my mind, I am afraid. My brain knows that the practicalities and the procedure will be okay but my heart is saying "what if". It is easy to read or talk to people about their experiences but since I've never gone through it, I am afraid.

My mom is already pissing me off. She has such a big mouth and has told people that I did not want to know. I am not in the mood to deal with her and there will be a storm brewing between us. I just need her to back off!

Obviously, I am cranky, stressed and overwhelmed.

Monday, July 17, 2006

We could have stayed in and watched The Valachi papers

That is what the GP said to me on the El on the way home yesterday. I promptly burst into a fit of giggles! It was a very long, packed and fun weekend!

After work on Friday I dashed to run an errand and then headed to see my GP. We went out to dinner and just hung out and had a nice time. On Saturday, I made him his surprise breakfast and it was yummy if I say so myself. We then headed to the beach. the beaches along The lake are really interesting because you are sitting on sand and the water is beautiful and then you look up and see the Hancock buildings and the skyline! After sitting on the beach and swimming in the lake, we went to Old Town. There we hit a really amazing spice shop. This place had spices from all over the world. There was about 30 types of curry, countless dried peppers, black sea salt from Hawaii, pink peppercorns, vanilla from Madagascar, and so many other highlights. It was so reminiscent of the old niche stores, it had so much character. Then after that detour, we made the mistake and went to a pet store where there were two dogs that I wanted. They were such adorable puppies, it made me miss Charlie. My poor GP had to listen to me whine about how much I wanted a dog! To appease us, we went to the chocolate shop where we purchased fudge!

Yesterday, we went to the Shedd with J9, TS and his daughter. I love the Shedd it is one of my favorite places in Chicago. I love the seahorses and sea dragons, the ottos, beluga whales, dolphins and penguins. We all had a good time and I have a new stuffed penguin named "KK" on my desk at work. GP and I took a water taxi to Navy Pier and we walked and walked oh and walked! We were tired when we got back to his place. I did some reading for class tonight he watched the news and by 10:30 we were half asleep!

The rest of the week is not going to be fun for me. I have mom coming in tomorrow and the procedure on Wednesday! My nerves have started.

Friday, July 14, 2006

A quiet end to a slooooow week

So it is Friday today and in a few hours I will be outta here! I will go pick up a few things for my "mysterious" breakfast and then on my way to see my boyfriend. Tomorrow we are going to the beach! There is going to be a heat wave in Chicago for the next week or so. It is not going to be fun, granted we have not had many over 90 degree days so overall it has been a good summer. The only thing is that the beach is going to be crowded with people eager to get out of their stuffy homes. Oh well...

Last night was my last every accounting final. I think I did well on it and now it is over. So economics starts on Monday. But I have so far taken 4 classes and only have 11 to go! I saw my stats prof in the elevator and he was telling me he's teaching a general economic course. Mental note to not take him ever again.

My mom is coming on Tuesday for my upcoming procedure and she is not even here yet and the "issues" have begun. I called my midwest mama to see if I was right and according to her, I am. Mom has to let go of some things and I am not in the mood for them!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rebel germs

So I am feeling better, I think that I nipped the cold a bit by drinking a lot of tea yesterday and taking a few tylenol. However, my dinner of junk probably did not help but regardless, I am feeling better. Except for one thing, I have a sty! I haven't had those in ages but I am making up for lost time. It was not bad yesterday but today it is red and swollen. I checked the web to see what I can do and it is not a whole lot, other than putting a warm compress on my closed eye for up to 15 minutes 4-6 times a day. I don't have time for that! But the sty tends to go away on its own after a few days. So I will give it one more shot before I got to get sty cream...yep they sell that at the drugstores. What sucks is that you should not wear makeup nor contacts until the sty heals. But me being the eye make up junkie found this a wee bit difficult but I did not use a lot (I don't like to look like death warmed over ya know!) The contact thing is also annoying because GP and I have plans to go to the beach this weekend and I was planning on wearing my contacts. Grrrrr.

I think that my body is definitely fighting something or maybe it is rebelling against the upcoming procedure. I don't know....strange the human body is. I mean if you pay attention one can figure out when something is just not right or if it is right on schedule. It is kind of cool in a way.

In other news, my final is tonight. I am all set for it, this may be the LAST final I will ever take in accounting in my life. How amazing is that? but then again I thought the same thing as a junior in college! The economic fun begins as soon as I pick up the ever over-priced text books! I have to read the first 2 chapters by Monday.

Tomorrow begins my weekend with GP! I can't wait to see him. We've been missing each other. I think that we have on the agenda is the beach, errands, fire detector removal and anything else that pops up. Oh and we have to make the trip to the mecca of grocery stores, Whole Foods. I am also planning to actually get up early (ok reasonably early in my eyes) to make GP breakfast but I am not saying what it is. Honey, I may need the garlic press...or not. :P

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I feel a cold coming on....

Last night about 9 ish, my throat began to feel weird. I knew what it meant, I am getting a cold. I have to combat it and get it out of my system before next week's procedure! I think that I got it at work and I think I may have passed it to my GP (sorry sweetie).

So my combat cold arsenal contains tea and Tylenol. I can't really take anything else so I will have to use what I got! It explains why I have been sleepy tired lately, my body wants to sleep and let this annoyance work its way out of my system. Hopefully, it will be a mild cold that only stays for a day or two. I have things to do I can't be sick!!

Also, last night it was pinata time. A few months ago my super put in three new fire detectors but only took done one old fire detector, took out the battery of another one and left the third fully functionality. Well guess which one started to beep incessantly???? Well my ceilings are about 10 feet high and well, I can't reach them. Well that is not true, I reached them using a broom handle, a chair and a hanger. I used the broom handle to open the cover, the chair to climb on and the hanger to reach the batter. I must say I was successful except now I have one fire detector open and exposed but, it is no longer beeping.

Last night began "Project Runway". I love that show, it is one of the few that I watch religiously. I don't know why but it is so good maybe because it has people who have such talent and I have none when it comes to clothes. Last night was the "road to the runway" where they had the auditions. Tonight starts the season! The only downside is that for the next few weeks I will have class on Wednesdays so I will have to catch it on the weekends. It is a warped obsession.

Well I got more things off of my list yesterday. Today I have two more errands to do before my list is all checked off. Tomorrow is my final and that will be the last "must do" of the list!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a wee bit disconnected

That is how I feel, not all with it. My mind is mulling over things that have to get done and errands that must be run. I did accomplish a bit yesterday but I have a bit more today and then tomorrow. On top of that I have to study for the final on Thursday. Although I got the new stuff reviewed I have to review some of the older material tonight and tomorrow!

I got the info on the next class...ugh. It is really going to be intense. The subject matter is not going to be too bad but the time constraint is going to be the hard one. There is a lot of reading and a short period of time. Plus there will be a group assignment and he is teaching after the mid-term. I hate that because you are so drained and you have more info to know! Aggg!

Other than that I am a bit tired, is it Friday yet?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Blah Monday

Mondays are never fun...never. But here at work it is dead for the most part a few things to do that I can stretch it to keep me busy. This week is going to be busy with all my errands and getting ready for my final on Thursday, I have not begun to study yet. I tend to write a list of things to do so I don't forget but I have to get it all done in the next few days.

Not to mention, I had such a great weekend that it is kind of a let down to be here at work. Friday I met the Tom Kittens, two friends of GP. They are such a cool duo, they are so happy with each other and they are just a lot of fun to chat with. I was a bit nervous which is typical but after awhile, I forgot that I was nervous.

On Saturday we had a lazy day full of errands, shopping for all sorts of stuff and homemade dinner. GP is such an amazing chef, I am in awe of his talent and I can't wait to make him dinner on night. We attempted to take a sunset cruise on the river but we got there too late and it was sold out. It was actually a good thing, we were tired so much so that we went back to his place and were out cold by 10!

Yesterday, I went back home and met up with a friend and her daughter to get our nails done and there were sidewalk sales so we walked around and of course stopped for ice cream. It was a good Sunday afternoon. Then it hits you, it is Sunday and tomorrow is another Monday...ick!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Fair thee well angel lotus wonder twin

Well today is Miss J's last day here at this company and I am so thrilled for her new adventures but I am so going to miss her. I worked with her for 6 years and never met anyone like her. She is strong, kind, funny, witty, blunt and a dedicated worker and friend. I am fortunate to have her in my life.

When I first met her 6 years ago on Madison Ave, I was afraid of her. She was definitely a force that you don't want to mess with. But she and I began a great working and friendly relationship. We used to work early so we had a few hours before the masses came in to get things taken care of and we had so much fun. When we moved offices in NYC, there were three of us who worked early so we really had fun. Each of us had a "song" and we called ourselves "Charlie's angels" because the three of us would gather around a speakerphone to talk to our "Charlie" in London almost everyday! There were such wonderful memories...trying to change the water bottle, the famous cinco de mayo incident when someone (not me) got drunk on strawberry margaritas, the Remote Lounge, the quiet party, the nights at the Gingerman and the Catwalk. Not to mention San Antonio, our Scot's good bye party, Hogs and Heifers, Easter with my fam (she got to meet my Charlie) and the paella, Ria's wedding. Recently there was the sametime talks, my venting about the idiot zoo, the stories about our fam and friends, her peach cobbler! All of these memories we shared together.

She and I called ourselves angel lotus wondertwins over the years. (not to mention the BCs or bastard children). Angel for our days in the NY office, lotus after the Buddhist saying "the deeper and thicker the mud, the more beautiful the lotus blossom, and wondertwins after the cartoon.

I know that we will always be friends and we will be "maids" in each other's big day no matter who, where, what and when that happens. I will miss working with her but I know that there is a master plan and now that she is making a change there is a reason to it. I am proud of her and proud to call her a good friend. She has been there when I was down and I have been there for her and we always will. Love you Miss J, be the butterfly!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

More than half way through!

I am very sleepy today for some reason. Possibly because I slept really well these past few days that my body wants more and the holiday in the middle of the week.

Not to mention, it is an early day for me because I have my class tonight. Actually, it is my last class before my final, my prof decided to cancel class next Tuesday but he gave us an optional extra credit assignment that is due. So I get to do that during the weekend. I can't believe that my first summer quarter is over in a week. I will start economics in two weeks but due to the procedure I will unfortunately miss one class. Then at the end of the summer, I will have 5 classes under my belt out of 15. So that is progress for you!

This weekend I am not sure what is on tap. On Friday, Gentleman Pirate and I are going out with his friends also known as the Tom Kittens. I am a bit nervous just as I was meeting his family the other day. Part of meeting friends is that people choose their friends, you are not born into your friends. So those people are important to that special person and you want them to like you as you hope to like them. But I am also excited to meet them, I've heard really nice things about them. JT wants to do brunch on Sunday, I have to ask GP if he would like to meet him. I do have to get some homework done but it will get done.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Food and fireworks

When a holiday falls in the middle of the week it so messes with me. I am tired and I feel like I was shorted a day for the weekend. However, my manager did let me go home early on Monday so I got out of here before there was any major traffic. I was able to get some errands done and did a load of laundry before I headed out to be with GP. We had a nice quiet mellow evening together.

Yesterday we spent a lazy morning he made me watch "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law" and it was too funny. We then headed out to a BBQ that his dad was hosting. I met most of his family and they were all really nice to me. His dad's dog Dixie and I became fast friends, perhaps it was the cheese or sausage. His nieces also warmed up to me and one of them drew me a picture that I will put on my fridge door. It was a nice time and there was tons of food. There was enough to feed a small country and there would have been leftovers. It was all yummy!

This morning it was so hard to leave. GP was all wrapped up in his duvet and Yukon was up and was following me as I got ready. But I know I will see them in a few days so that will make the rest of the week fly by.

Monday, July 03, 2006


It is a rainy Monday before a holiday for me today. It is hard to come in after a great weekend and knowing that I am off tomorrow.

I had such a wonderful weekend it was just amazing. My gentleman pirate and I spent most (ok almost all) of the weekend together. On Saturday we spent quite a few hours and bought quite a lot of stuff at IKEA. It took us a combined trip of 14 times to unload the car. Like me, the GP lives in a vintage apartment that is a pure stairs no elevator! We were so tired that we just kind of pooped out! Yesterday, we (ok he) assembled most of the furniture and his apartment looks so awesome, he got these three tall bookshelves and above the bookshelf there are sepia prints of the desert. Each print is framed and has its own art light. It looks really posh but not in the snotty posh way.

A lot of things were said and done this weekend but that is going to be our secret but know, that it was so sweet!

Some highlights...Chinese food, bubbles, bubbly, strawberries, bagels, pancakes with raspberry sauce, blue eyes, Yukon.

Those all only mean something to us and for now, that is how I want that to be.