Saturday, May 06, 2006

Half empty

I remember that earlier this year things were looking up. I was so happy, things were actually going the way I wanted them to I was starting school, work was going ok, I was seeing someone and life was starting to pick up. Now it is months later and I am back to where I was last summer...alone, bored, and lonely.

It seems that when things start to go well, a few weeks or months later it does a complete 180 turn and the thing is that I just tend to stay in that direction for months even years. It just never seems that things pick up and stay up or go the way that I want them to go. I feel like when things get too good, I wait for the ceiling caves in and it never lasts and well I am right.

I was looking forward to so much this year, I honestly thought that '06 would be a good one and I was so optimistic. Now it is almost half way over and it is not going as well as I hoped The only thing that has stayed constant since January is school. I am not able to see my family in South America due to stupid award rules. So now I have two weeks off this summer without school or work and all I will do is sit at home just like every weekend. My calendar is so empty it is pathetic but I will just have to accept it.

1 comment:

Joe Important said...

The year isn't over yet. :-)