Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stats sucks!

I knew that when I started my MBA perused, I would have to face the
inevitable calculus/stats combo class no matter what school that I went to. Well, I decided to take it early on in my grad program. I knew for the most part that it would not be fun as math and I don't like each other and never have, I knew that I would have to suck it up and deal with it.

So in my second quarter, I am taking it now. I am so glad I am because it will be relevant for other classes and for the sheer fact that when I am done with this class I will be thrilled. Well after a series of classes I thought that I got my prof's method of madness but I was wrong. He posted the class discussion notes before class but during class he changed the class discussion. Ok fine, I am familiar with regression analysis until he got to the homework and my God, he is out of his will take me two weeks to do this. Plus he wants us to use real numbers based on our company. Well my company is a global company with our parent company in Europe and our finance dept does not have our figures! So that in itself is a bit suspect and I have no idea what to do now. So I am waiting for my prof to email me back with suggestions!

I hate stats!

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