Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tales of woe

I was about to burst yesterday, well I kind of did in a way. I needed to vent, talk, bitch but, I wanted to do that with someone who I did not have to explain the whys and hows. I needed one of my best friends who has known me for so long that she knows what is the method to my madness and for that matter why I am mad. We chatted last night and I got to release it all out, what has been in my head and my heart. She does not patronize nor make light of the seriousness of some of my things but she is supportive and does agree that things suck. That is what I needed to hear, I needed to know that my feelings and issues are justified and validated that yea some things do suck for me. But she does remind me how beautiful I am (which I don't always believe) and she kicks my butt now and then because she knows that I need it.

I have known her since our college days and for the past many many moons thatwe've known each other the two of us had our fair shares of dramas, boyfriends, bad break-ups, career moves, bar nights, tears, medical issues, good things, success, failure and so much more. We've been there for each other in the joys, sorrows, and the in-betweens that life has to offer but, what is amazing is the ability that the two of us share is that we sympathize, empathize and do not patronize. We are honest with each other, yep we'll tell each other when we are fat, skinny or not looking our best and there are no hurt feelings.

Life can suck and we are there to remind each other that sometimes life is hard and that it is sucky right now (especially for what I am dealing with). But we are each other's biggest cheerleaders and I am so glad to have Maria in my life. Thanks darling for everything, love ya!

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