Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Random stuff

Just some random things...

-got my grades from my mid-terms did well. Now I have to kick ass on my paper, case study, homework and finals to get the coveted grade.

-had a weird dream last night...part of my dream, I was on this lake in a canoe and swimming with Renee Zelwige (sp), and we are hanging out having fun. Then I am called out of the lake and I get to the shore and there are these red ants and I am barefoot and I was brought on shore to step on the ants so she did not have to. Then I went up these stairs near a pool and there was George Michael ready to sit on a ledge to read a book while overlooking the lake and I guess we were friends because we were excited to see each other and he kissed me hello then he
other and he kissed me hello then he glared at Renee's handlers for making me step on the red ants! It was just weird and it was really vivid like the lake was in the fall so the leaves were red, orange, yellow but the water was warm and the pool had a snack bar with a faded box of nerds and other willy wonka candy to advertise what they sold. (I will have to look that one up, it must have been the energy bar a classmate gave me. ) I had another dream last night but I am not telling that one!

-My mom is not speaking to me because of the South America trip drama. She'll have to get over it, it is not my fault the airlines upped the frequent flyer amounts needed.

-I am craving french fries

-I still miss him.

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